How To Remove Stubborn Sticky Labels

Supplying sticky labels with a strong adhesive is where we excel…

However, there are times when you need a label to come off whatever you’ve stuck it to. This can be tricky, especially if the adhesives are as strong as our permanent ones are. If this ever happens, there are a few simple solutions which are worth a try.

Cooking Oil or Spray

Cooking Oil

Arguably the best way, if only for the fact that most households will have some form of cooking oil for daily use. Cold Olive Oil works particularly well. Remember to always test a little first to make sure the area you’re removing the label from won’t stain. Place some of the oil on a soft cloth, household paper towel or a piece of clean fabric. Rest this on the label for a few minutes making sure the label is covered in oil. A sharp plastic edge or your fingers should scrape off the residue.

Hand Sanitiser 

Hand Sanitiser

Lots of people recommend strong alcohol (such as Isopropyl) but not many people have this knocking around their house. Hand sanitiser contains strong alcohol, making it effective for removing stubborn adhesives. Try spreading the hand sanitiser directly onto the label, leave it for approximately 30mins then rub off firmly, the adhesive should come off in lumps.

Steam Iron

This is one of the neatest and cleanest ways of trying to remove a label.  Set the heat to high and when it’s reached the required temperature, hold the iron over the label (but not directly on it), and press the steam button for 10/20 seconds, the label should then peel away.

Just be aware that depending on what you’re trying to remove the label from, this method could also ruin the packaging or the contents of the item.

Please take care when using this method to avoid injury.

Boiling Water

Boiling water

If the item you’re trying to remove the label from is waterproof, and won’t melt under the temperature, then boiling water is a great method for removing stubborn labels. Boil your kettle and fill a bowl or your sink with boiling water, then simply place the item inside and leave it soak for several minutes. Be careful when removing the item so that you don’t burn yourself. You can then start to scrape the label off, you may have to submerge the items several times before it’s completely removed. 

Please take care when using this method to avoid injury.

Citrus Cleaning Products

Lemon cleaning products

Citric acid is a very effective product for removing/dissolving tough adhesives and can be found in some lemon-based cleaning solutions. Check the ingredients of the product, and if it’s present, you can use it to remove the adhesive from your product. Beware that this method may leave stains on certain materials. 

Citric acid naturally occurs in citrus fruits. Synthetic versions are produced from a type of mould and are often used as an additive. They can cause adverse reactions in some people.

White Vinegar

White Vinegar

White vinegar is a great solution for removing stickers from glass services, such as windows, jars or bottles. This cost-effective solution can be found in many homes worldwide and is a great way to remove stubborn labels. Saturate the label in the vinegar, then use a strong knife or pair of scissors to scrape the label away. You will need to be careful not to scratch or damage the item, and ensure to give it a good wash afterwards to remove any smell left behind.

Please take care when using this method to avoid injury.

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter

Yes we know, we thought the same!  It’s not one we’ve tried but the internet is full of people saying this works for them. Apparently, you can cover the label in peanut butter and leave it overnight, the next morning, the label will simply peel off.